First Watt vs McIntosh vs Ampzilla

I'm searching for a power amplifier to pair with a McIntosh c712 preamp and Zu Omen Def speakers. 
I want it to be melodic and clear (not mellow and round) and with a good soundstage, capable of filling my big living room (12m x 6m) with powerful party levels sound - not necessarily ear splitting levels.  
Nearby I can purchase a First Watt M2, a McIntosh MC7150 or an Ampzilla 2000 (stereo) for a good price. 
I cant audition them at home with my system, so besides my personal opinion on the sound at the different shops, what do you have to say regarding these three models? Any of them is better than the others? Better sound? Better reliability? 
Any opinions?

Any of the three would be nice. That said, the 3 times I've seen Sean demo Zu's it's always been with Pass gear. That would be a strong endorsement for the First Watt.
I'd find out if any Pass XA30.8 available around you. You'd have everything and more for these Zu...
I use a First Watt F6 with Proac 1SC. I second it for Nelson Pass amps. Class A Mosfets ,with lots of bias juice sounds incredible. IMHO.
I use a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamp with a M2 and Tekton Double Impact speakers and couldn’t be happier!
i had the m2 with double impacts..dumbest move ever to sell it..perfection...  i also had a sit-2 and j2..allllll about to re-buy a sit-2...the most perfect solid state amp ive ever heard...