what happened to the post on the sat tonearm?

I am curious to what was wrong with that discussion.  people are not allowed to have their opinion on things?  geez
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Raul was just saying it like it is.
Was he? Or was he drawing conclusions about a product that he’d never seen or heard, while disparaging those who’ve actually heard it and liked the result?

It’s a bad tonearm. Its geometry produces higher distortion than any other tonearm.
Really? How much higher is the distortion than with one of the straight arms that has a zero offset? The ViV is an example of such an arm and while I’ve never heard one, some who have think it sounds fantastic. That’s part of why correlating specifications to what we actually hear is such a tricky business.

It’s absurdly priced.
That’s subjective, so I’ll ask you: What do you think is a fair and reasonable price for a pickup arm? Please consider that no matter your answer, it’s probable that some will think the number too high, and some too low.