“MQA is a philosophy”..John Stuart

Full quote- “In brief, MQA is a philosophy more than it’s ‘just a codec’. 
Your thoughts??
John Stuart is merely supplying a technical solution to the recording industry's money problems. Digital let the cat out of the bag and the record companies (those still standing) have been doing everything they can to put the cat back in. So far, in the past 2 years, the record companies have only been getting a look at the cat's claws - cat is having none of it. The essence of digital technology is to render the original recording as many times as desired in a form that is essentially indistinguishable from the original. And if the data can be shared and transmitted easily and essentially losslessly from one person to another, where does that leave the money man who wants to control/tax distribution? - Holding a great big empty bag of course! What John is doing is providing a technical means to degrade the quality of the original recording and digitally restore it to those willing to pay. The clever aspect is that this entire MQA charade was supposed to offer "improved sound quality" - LOL! As if one could somehow improve sound quality/accuracy over the original 192khz/24 bit format!! Most people can't appreciate the quality inherent to 90 decibel dynamic range and 22 khz bandwidth associated with "lowly" CD format - let alone 192khz/24 bit. But somehow, John Stuart is going to improve sound quality! If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you....
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