“MQA is a philosophy”..John Stuart

Full quote- “In brief, MQA is a philosophy more than it’s ‘just a codec’. 
Your thoughts??
" What do you suggest we should do to save the industry and consumers from the evils of MQA? Do you think constant bickering on audio forums is going to deter the forward progress of MQA? "

My friend, we hear all the time politicians telling us that robotics and automation are the way of the future and that as a nation, we don't need most of the jobs that employed millions of Americans over the past half century. People "need to be retrained for jobs of the future" - so they tell us.
The same can be said of the "music industry". We don't need large corporations making copies of music recordings and selling them to us with large profit margins that made them rich - like in the old days. Technology has essentially made the big record company executives and their profits - extinct as a species. Time to move on and try to make boat loads of money for doing nothing in a different field. To quote some of our favorite liberal politicians - "those jobs are gone forever".


both HDCD and SACD are still being utilized. No failure that I perview.

As above, MQA is another codec. Time will tell upon it's succession.

Happy Listening!

Jafant, It is in my view.  I cannot use SACD with the server and don't want to invest in two different formats, CD being dominant.  In addition 90% of CDs I have are not available in SACD or HDCD.  I realize limitations of CDs (Nyquist applies only to continuous waves) but it is good enough for me.
All input is much appreciated.
jon2020 - “Bob” Stuart Is J(John) Robert Stuart of Meridian & MQA. 
 lalitk: I appreciate your question. I’m trying to wisely expose a business idea/proposition, supported by 2 of the largest recording companies, that if implemented will have a significant “detrimental” and “long lasting” effect on the recording of new music of all genres. We, in this forum, are music lovers first and foremost. It’s why we buy quality equipment and freely share experiences that may benefit others. Peter ptss