Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
The articles, from what I can tell, are nothing more than a Belden Cable marketing ploy. And PS Audio is part of the uh, ploy. From what I can tell just scanning one of the articles, it doesn’t address ANY of the really debatable cable issues. One can’t help wondering why the articles were written. I mean, except that they’re supposed to prop up the idea that since there are no technical advantages to expensive high end cables you’d be better off buying Belden Cables.

If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with horse feathers. - WC Fields.
+1 for Galen Gareis articles @ Copper.
Can’t wait for the speaker cable article.
His papers are what prompted me to do the simulations.
For the interested, Cable articles are available @
Issues 48-50, 54
Time Part 1
Time Part 2

The articles, from what I can tell, are nothing more than a Belden Cable marketing ploy.
Then Belden has to be the most inept company as there is nothing on their system except this link
Decades of experience using Belden products would indicate otherwise.

From what I can tell just scanning
is what?
Scanning ≠ comprehension.
No need to reiterate.

Decades of experience? Well, geez, nobody said Belden don’t work or aren’t very good cables. Not me anyway. Try to keep up with the discussion. I’m simply contending the articles are a marketing ploy, you know, making it appear Belden is super smart technically so Belden must the choice of champions or whatever. Kind of like why Harmon Kardon advertises blind testing of their products, it’s a marketing ploy. Anybody at all can cut and paste the entire article I saw from Wikipedia. So give me a break.

PS Audio part of a Belden Cable ploy? If Paul McGowen was going to push any cable, it would be those he has in the PS Audio sound room system, those made by his buddy William Low---Audioquest.

While Bill Low, Ray Kimber, George Cardas, and other HI-Fi cable designers may proselytise that the principles laid out in the Belden articles don't include all the design elements that contribute to the sound of cables, they don't dispute the truth of what the article DOES cover.