Organic Power Cord with Micro-Detail

Is it possible to have both good micro detail and an organic warm sounding power cable?

I’ve got an Audio Research Ls25 mk1 preamp; switching between a BMI Whale Elite and a Nordost Brahma power cords. Love all the micro detail the Brahma brings out, but wish it was warmer and not as fast. Piano sounds amazing and real with the Brahma, but it kills some of the soul and intimacy when listening to Sade. The BMI adds greatly to the soundstage, bass, punch, and warmth, but there’s also some detail loss and raises the noise floor I’ve found.

Just added a Shunyata Black Mamba CX to my phono preamp (allnic h1200) which dropped the noise floor significantly, added control, and some sweetness. Worked well on the LS25 as well but not quite what I want.

DCCA Ref One power cord on Audioprism Debut tubed amp, really like what it does. DCCA added detail, amazing clarity to vocals, and a bit of forwardness. Wonder if combining multiple DCCA cords will overly emphasize their house sound. I like having multiple flavors in my system. Variety’s the spice of life. 

I’ve heard great things about ribbon power cords, Electraglide and Elrod. Would these steer me in the right direction? Looking to keep it under 500.00 if possible.

Sources are 80% vinyl and 20% Bluetooth streaming.
The Audience PowerChord series present organic, warm sonics. A low noise floor allows for very good microdetail. Under $500 used.

Not disagreeing with your suggestion about the Audience Powercord. I just wanted to share my experience. I have had the Powercord for over 15 years and Audience has been my go-to-cable company ever since. So recently I did upgrade the Powercord to the SEi version with my supplied Carbon Fiber Rhodium plugs. These are better plugs in my opinion to the Cardas that Audience offers The SEi is a nice upgrade compared to the original Powercord. As it should..Lower noise floor was apparent which created better separation of instruments. It also maintained its smooth and slightly warm character which I always loved about it.

So I did a comparison to the Oyaide cable and I thought the Audience sounded artificial compared to the Oyaide. The Oyaide rendered instruments more realistically. In comparison the Audience rendered cymbals that sounded hazy, but smooth, midrange was fine and bass resolution was muddy. Vocals seem to emerge more from a black background with the Oyaide. The noise floor and detail was more obvious as well. This cable has this silky quality to it that is so pleasing to the ears. Bass was very easy to pick up and has great articulation.

In the end, I still like the Audience but prefer the Oyaide in my system. More realistic and organic sounding.
Very interesting, @aniwolfe . I have an Oyaide SPDIF coax and it has a superb black background plus excellent detail. Maybe there is a "house sound" for this brand.
Pulled the trigger on the Oyaide Black Mamba Sigma V2. Seems to be something special from hearing your responses. Will report my findings once I receive it. 
I would give High Fidelity pc a try. From entry level to very expensive all with a 30 day trial money back.