How much acoustic room treatment

I purchased treatments from a magazine recommended source. I installed about half the panels as was recommended. Although the sound stage improved and echo decreased, i found the warmth of my tube amp decreased. Is there too much treatment in the room or do i now need to play with speaker placement to return that original sound?
the most significant change when installing the treatments were the stacked, 2 on each side total of 4, behind the speaker, in the corner behind speakers, bass absorbers each measuring approx. 2’ by 4’.
Too bad you have to ruin the walls in your home using adhesive with the Acoustical Surfaces.
No u dont at all.

You fabricate a panel by bonding to masonite then fabric wrap.
OK. Maybe the video didn't show that. I like the design of those panels, just not the adhesive procedure.
You'll know when you hear it.

I've been at this for years. I never used any additional method other than listening. It has been a long but learning, journey. I think this is the best way?

Holes are easy to fix....
Sorry for the late response, traveling. The name of the traps vendor is Real Traps.