Upgrading speaker cables...

Currently, I have a Cambridge Audio CXR200 that has a bi-amp feature on it. I have 1 channel going to lows, and 1 to highs for each side. So, 2 pairs of cables for each side. 

I'd prolly have to go down the line on the cables if I had to buy 2 sets.... So, would I be better off with 1 set of nice cables with a set of jumpers, or 2 sets of lower down the line cables for them?

Reason I'm looking is, I have cheap cables currently, and was told a nice set of cables may open up my speakers (Wharfedale Reva-4 towers) and make them sound better. 

Thanks for for any help/suggestions! 
I've experimented with numerous cables and have come to the conclusion that ICs can make a huge difference, but properly sized speaker cables not so much, if any. 

I Introduced Kimber to one of our local brick and mortar shops back in the 80’s and they still carry them today. I’ve owned both the 4tc and 8tc and good cables but there’s so much better out there and one doesn’t have to spend a lot to hear it. Took in a set of Clear Day Cables double shotguns for them to listen to, which almost every system they have on the floor has 4tc and the Clear Days destroyed them and one of the employees there has gone to Clear Days at home and a couple other employees have pitched Clear Days to many regulars that hang out there who have purchased many from Paul. No one there thought the Kimbers were even close and one person there admitted that cables don’t make a difference... well now he does. Blows my mind a shop pushes something and has bought the product they can’t carry. I really like Kimber and know they have a great product line as I’ve owned and still own some. Someone with a system getting up there of the price of nice luxury car should look into Ray Kimbers better cables, I think.... bet Ray would say the same.

As far as what one should spend on cables based on their system really depends on the quality of components. The OP equipment is fine and no doubt better cables are going to improve their system, but yes do not go out and spend $2,000 plus on a pair of speaker cables. My speaker cables are around 21% of the cost of my speakers, CD player with IC and PC is almost 100% and my player shines with my cables and I believe it would improve with cables costing more than the player. My amp I’m around 33% with IC and PC. Dedicated circuits and receptacles will only help and really required when the cost of a system goes up and becomes more revealing or you get to a point you’re just throwing money out the window.
Well OP you got every answer possible--they won't make a difference, they may make a difference, and they will definitely make a difference. FWIW it is a hobby...spend a little money and see what your ears tell you. No one else posting here is going to live with your system.
BTW I agree with adg101 and akg_ca: better cables with jumpers rather than two sets of lesser cables. YMMV--as you can see from all the different opinions.
Elizabeth, the cables only need to be 6'.

Astewart, yeh, I sure did... It's like being on one of my watch forums, lol. 

Im gonna bite the bullet and get a set for $2-300 and a jumper. 

Thank you again, everyone. 
I’ve owned both the 4tc and 8tc and good cables but there’s so much better out there and one doesn’t have to spend a lot to hear it.

+1 @adg101