Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
Shadorne, your DNA "science" is outdated and off base. Best to pull back from that. :(  You may want to stick with audio discussion. 
Actually shadorne might be on to something with his DNA science. At least his theory appears to agree with what was presented in the movie Prometheus.

No theory. Just facts. DNA is in all living things. This is what all plants and animals share in common. Pretty obvious really. DNA is what fundamentally replicates.  As obvious as the earth goes round the sun. Just not as exciting as a guy with a beard as it suggests humans are rather irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. 

cj1965, thanks or your response.  I have no interest in a 'troll war' with you. Suffice it to say that you seem to believe science is a closed issue, and we have nothing further to learn, which is extremely foolish.

Science always begins with observation.  When we observe something we cannot measure or explain, that is when scientific discovery begins.

The difference between science and religion, of course, is that religion insists that we must believe with no proof (i.e. faith), while science insists that we prove & explain what we believe.  An in that respect, the twain shall never meet. 

Now, when it comes to audio, the only thing that really matters is what you hear (consistently, of course).  If you can hear it, but you cannot measure it... it's your measurements that are lacking.  When science cannot explain the physical universe... science must learn.

Please don't bother to respond. I'm only interested in helping people achieve good sound, not in personal attacks, or your religion.