Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
In fact, Peter was right all ten times.
Aczel proclaimed that science was on his side but like many measurementalists, he expected the reader to accept his arguments on faith, rather than by considering any actual data or studies. His goal was to sell magazines and this was his style. That is all.
Do you have data to falsify his conclusions?
He expected the reader to accept his arguments on faith, rather than by considering any actual data or studies. Yet he considered himself an "objectivist." Do you dispute those facts?
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(Note - directed at no particular person) It’s ironic that folks who accept the 10 Biggest Lies In Audio as being real lies accuse those who believe they are actually true of being gullible. If they accept all ten Lies lock stock and barrel they must have some pretty strong beliefs in Peter Aczel or something, who the heck knows? Surely at least one or two must be a little bit debatable, no? I say they are ALL TRUE. Any takers? 🤠

“But you can’t PROVE it!” - Juror number 3, the obstreperous last holdout, 12 Angry Men

addendum: I’ll give Peter Aczel one thing. That boy sure had a way with words. To whit,

“1. The Cable Lie
Logically this is not the lie to start with because cables are accessories, not primary components. But it is the hugest, dirtiest, most cynical, most intelligence-insulting and, above all, most fraudulently profitable lie in audio, and therefore must go to the head of the list.”

Wow 😳