ARC Ref 5se VS ARC Ref 6

Ok i need some help and opinions. I just auditioned at my home the ARC Ref 6. All i can say is WOW. !!!!!!!!! I was truly blown away with the sound. Everything is truly there . To me there are no short comings. Ok let me start off by saying that originally i was looking for a used ARC Ref 3. Then i started reading on some forums and on here that the 5 was very close to the 3 and the 5se was truly a great sounding unit and upgrade from the 3. I really wanted to audition the 5se at my home but unfortunately he just sold his demo and only had the 6. I really cant afford the 6 right now brand new But after hearing the 6 with my system im wondering if i purchase a 5se would i be disapointed after hearing the 6. Like the 3 vs the 5se i read it was a very big difference , Is the 6 a really big difference in sound ? Should i wait for a used 6? I know that i have read great reviews on the 5se. I just wish i could of heard the 5se also in my system to compare / decide for my self. Any help would be very much appreciated . 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

 I have a Ref 5se and love it. A Ref 6 will cost you twice as much as a used Ref 5se. If you buy a used Ref 5se at a good price, you can always sell it later for pretty much what you paid for it.  So you could have a Ref 5se now and upgrade later if you want to a Ref 6 when the used price comes down.

 There are tweaks you can do to the Ref 5se to make it sound even better. Replace the power cord with a Shunyata HC power cord, not Venom. Replace the tube dampers with Herbie's tube dampers. Change the fuse to a Synergistic Research fuse.

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lostbears. I was also thinking about doing that about buying a used 5se for now and later on when the price drops on the 6 can always upgrade. I also heard that replacing the power cord makes a big difference too lime you said. I will also look into the other tweeks you said with the tube dampers and fuse. Thank you much..
jimgrogan2   Basically you are saying that the 3 compared to the 5 was not much of an improvement and the 5 compared to the 5se was not much an improvement either? I can get a new 6 for 1200. Almost double in price of a used 5se which im looking at about 6500. Would that mean that the 6 would sound twice as good? I have the 6 in my system right now to audition and like i said i was really blown away with the sound . But i cant compare it to the 5se. Thats why im asking you guys ..Im thinking with changing the PC , Fuse dampers and fuse i would be very happy with the 5se for now. lol. And then later on down the road if i really want the 6 the price should drop on the used market and then pick one up. Thanks jim. 
I am plenty happy
Hey John, Jmcgrogan2, I think the Reference 10 will in fact be a big step up from a 5SE and a 6.  Send me a check and I will pick one up for you.  

You may be plenty happy now but you could be double plenty especially happy!
