Blu Ray or Oppo?

It so happens that my VCR and DVD player are nearing their end together, in a coordinated sort of way. To replace them I am thinking of two componets:

(1) A DVD recorder + VCR combo. Considering Panasonic DMR EZ47VK, because it seems to get good reviews, but other recommendations are welcome (should have built in tuner).

(2) A better dvd player. This is where I am confused.

The best regarded dvd player seems to be Oppo. But they don't make Blu Ray.

If I get Oppo, it would be great quality and I can live with it until they or somebody else comes out with a well-built Blu Ray. Downside: I have to keep buying standard resolution dvd's, and I won't be happy with those when I do get my Blu Ray player.

If I get Blu Ray, my fear it will be a cheaply made machine which might start flaking on me (Amazon reviews). Upside: I can start building up my Blu Ray collection right now.

What would (or did!) you do?

All comments and advice appreciated.
I agree with alot of the posts above. Blue ray will not be a success, IMHO until the price comes down. There is simply no reason for the average consumer or even audi/video educated customer to pony up for blu ray with the price of players and software at their current levels.

With reliable HD downloadable content on the horizon, blu ray should lower the price quickly or it faces a long slow death. I opted out on this whole issue and bought a cheap pioneer upconverting dvd to buy another 6 months to see how this shakes out.
Feel better now? LG To Add Blu-ray Player With Netflix Streaming Access. Prices will come is only a matter of time. Streaming is for standard DVDs not Blu ray.
Brainwater: Just picked up a Sony 350 Blu and am quite stunned...

I can use some recommendations for "best value" and will take your statement as such. Just curious which ones you looked at, and how did you pick this one.

PS. As I read the reviews, Panasonic seems to be quite well regarded too.
I just got the new Oppo 981HD. I have seen em as low as 165.00 on the net ( 229.00 ). The picture quality is as good as they say. Enough for me to wait for Blu Ray movies and players to come down in price. This reminds me of the DTS vs Dolby war. The Play Station option is what I have been told too if you are wanting it now. I buy my movies when Blockbuster has them used for 4 or 3 at 20 bucks. So the Oppo was a easy choice to get now. I'm afraid we are still a couple of years away for Blu Ray to get mainstream affordable.
You can do what I did: beg for a Playstation 3 for your brithday!

Now, I have a player that is pretty darn good in the interim while the market fully developes AND I get to play Gran Toursimo (Prolog) with amazing picture and sound qualiy.

Enjoy the serach! John