ARC Ref 5se VS ARC Ref 6

Ok i need some help and opinions. I just auditioned at my home the ARC Ref 6. All i can say is WOW. !!!!!!!!! I was truly blown away with the sound. Everything is truly there . To me there are no short comings. Ok let me start off by saying that originally i was looking for a used ARC Ref 3. Then i started reading on some forums and on here that the 5 was very close to the 3 and the 5se was truly a great sounding unit and upgrade from the 3. I really wanted to audition the 5se at my home but unfortunately he just sold his demo and only had the 6. I really cant afford the 6 right now brand new But after hearing the 6 with my system im wondering if i purchase a 5se would i be disapointed after hearing the 6. Like the 3 vs the 5se i read it was a very big difference , Is the 6 a really big difference in sound ? Should i wait for a used 6? I know that i have read great reviews on the 5se. I just wish i could of heard the 5se also in my system to compare / decide for my self. Any help would be very much appreciated . 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

Hi;  I upgraded over the years from an SP9 to SP9MKII to SP11 to REF 3 to REF 5SE to REF 6.

Loved the SP9 MK II and with new tubes there was not a jaw dropping difference between that and the REF 3. 

Compared the REF 3 to a REF 5 and there wasn't enough of a difference to me to justify going to the REF 5.

However, in direct comparison between the REF 3 and the REF 5 SE, there was a large difference.  Don't get me wrong.  To this day, the REF 3 is still one of the best out there.  it is very nice indeed.  However, the REF 5SE was simply nicer to me.

I also did a direct A/B comparison between the REF 5SE and the REF 6 and to me there was not a jaw dropping difference.  The REF 6 was slightly better than the REF 5SE. 

Therefore, it comes down to budget.  I was going to keep the REF 5SE, but, I bought it at a very nice price and then learned about the Audio Research trade in-trade up policy at the time and they gave me 75% of MSR for the REF 5SE.  They basically gave me more for the REF 5SE than what I paid for it.  It made going up to the REF 6 a very good economical decision.

No regrets.  it is very hard indeed to beat the REF 6.  The REF 10 is the standard bearer.  But, if you can afford it, you won't regret the REF 6.  That said, you also won't regret getting a REF 5SE either.


Sorry, I meant to say that with new tubes there wasn't a jaw dropping difference between the SP11 and the REF 3.


The 5se really benefits with a nice Tung Sol in the power supply
get it up on Ayre blocks
upgrade to a dedicated circuit for just it !!!!!

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