New McIntosh MA252

Wondering if anyone has listened to the new MA252. I have an MA6500 pushing 200 watts into my SF Olympica llls which I think sound great. Question - would the tube preamp on the new MA252 add noticeable warmth, richness, sound stage presence? Thanks. 

I guess I was lucky walking into Overture Audio in Wilmington, DE and walking out with one. They just had 5 delivered and by noon on that Saturday they already sold 3. That was early February.

As for the sound and looks, I am quite happy with it! 
For the price and features, it’s going to be hard to beat.  Smart move on the part of McIntosh as this unit will serve as a great entry point for folks to get hooked on the brand. 
I’ve owned an MA6500 used with Olympica I’s and it was an excellent combination. Not sure I’d use the MA252 with the Olympica III’s, at least not without some major demo time at a dealer. I’m currently running the MA252 (and a PS Audio DSD) with a pair of B&W 706 S2s and a Sumiko S.5 sub. Again, an excellent combination. The hybrid design of the integrated has been beautifully executed by Mac, and the build quality is classic Mac as well. I first experienced a hybrid design in the PS Audio BHK250 power amp whose performance is truly amazing!! But at 82 lbs., it was a problem for my 68 year old back. Nevertheless, refusing to admit my limitations, I was about to add the PS Audio tube preamp to my system when Mac introduced the 252 integrated. Influenced by pain (or pain pills), I decided to give it a go. While I LOVED the BHK250, I have had no regrets going to a less powerful amp. I’m still getting tube goodness in my system and at only 27 lbs. As with any piece of gear, matching is critical. Cheers.
The MA-252 is an intriguing option, no question. At $3500 it is tempting since I’ve been having issues finding an appropriately priced balanced preamp for my Merrill Audio Thor amps which power my inefficient but incredibly revealing ATC SCM 19v2’s.

For those that have used the MA-252, are the 100watts/ch the typical conservatively rated watts one hears about from McIntosh? I’m not against stepping down in watts as I rarely listen above 85-90dB as it isn’t townhouse neighbor friendly to do so. Rogue Audio’s RH-5 fits my price point to add in front of the Thor’s, so that’s the competition. I have a fair offer on the Thors, so the MA-252 is in the ballpark of affordability for me too.

Regardless of what I do, I think it’s a lovely integrated, one I think would have high WAF as well in even the most discerning of homes.