Yes, thanks. That was a good summary. The mystery is that users report that the CS footers take a while to “burn in”, up to 7/10 days apparently and before that point, they sound terrible. Sounds like some sort of annealing process going on due to the vibrations passing through?
I have the IsoAcoustic Orea’s Indigos on test at the moment. They work really well and considering their cost they are a great starting point. I’m sure the Symposium will be a step up though, but with shipping costs from US it will be a much more expensive set up.
I’m also talking to Stacore in Poland about their shelf’s. I’m in touch with someone who really likes Symposium and who has gone over to Stacore. He currently uses both. It’s seriously expensive though and weighs 100kg. Something I’m going to explore in the longer term.
I have the IsoAcoustic Orea’s Indigos on test at the moment. They work really well and considering their cost they are a great starting point. I’m sure the Symposium will be a step up though, but with shipping costs from US it will be a much more expensive set up.
I’m also talking to Stacore in Poland about their shelf’s. I’m in touch with someone who really likes Symposium and who has gone over to Stacore. He currently uses both. It’s seriously expensive though and weighs 100kg. Something I’m going to explore in the longer term.