I have a secret from Mr. Record. Pressed commercial CDs can sound significantly different from one another, even if made at the same pressing plant. We have found multiple copies that include hotter and less dynamic sound, warmer or cooler sound, thinner and richer sound. Why, we can speculate that the manufacturing process does not create exact copies of the digital information on pressed discs perfectly.
Sort of like vinyl pressing differences. One can hear differences on the same stamper (so many analogophiles think that the hot stamper number is the end all of their search for the best stamper).depending on whether it is an early or late pressing from the same stamper (fresh versus nearly worn out stamper). There are other variables as well.
So, within the realm of pressed CDs, there exists differences from the same pressing plant. The only way one can tell what is the hot or preferred CD is by listening to it.
Sort of like vinyl pressing differences. One can hear differences on the same stamper (so many analogophiles think that the hot stamper number is the end all of their search for the best stamper).depending on whether it is an early or late pressing from the same stamper (fresh versus nearly worn out stamper). There are other variables as well.
So, within the realm of pressed CDs, there exists differences from the same pressing plant. The only way one can tell what is the hot or preferred CD is by listening to it.