Infinity RS 2.5

I have a question. Maybe someone can help me. I have just bought a set of Infinity RS 2.5 speakers. I have had the woofers reformed. After hooking these up, I notice that the tweeter can be heard in the rear, but I don't hear them fall on the from. Is this how the Emit tweeter should sound, or should I be hearing it in the front and rear? The Emim's sound fine. Thanks.
Both tweeters are supposed to radiate. Here is a schematic of the 2.5s

Loosen the front tweeter mounting screws and make sure the wiring isn’t loose. If it’s not that, check the disconnected tweeter with an ohmmeter - it should be between 3.2 and 3.8 ohms. If it is open, it is dead. If you need a new one, replacement tweeters are fairly plentiful on eBay.
Hi, thanks for the quick response. Sorry for the typo. The front ones are not radiating, clearly. The rear tweeters definitely are very well. I am a bit of an amateur when tit comes to that. I don't have a volt ohm
meter either. I will have to pick one up. Are they fairly straightforward to loosen and take out and put in? Just don't want to run into problems putting them back in. Thanks. Appreciate it.
Here here is my guide to 1980s Infinity EMIT tweeters:

490125 is the rectangular EMIT with the thick magnet structure. 490126 is the same except for a round faceplate. Later versions of 490125 were labled 902-5086. Later versions of 490126 were labled 902-5023.

490123 is the rectangular EMIT with the thin magnet structure. As above, 490124 is the thin magnet structure with a round faceplate. Later versions of 490123 were labeled 902-2252. Later versions of 490124 were labeled 902-3082.

All of the diaphragms are the same, and thus interchangeable. The EMITs are easy to take apart (some Google work will show you how). Thus, when looking for replacement EMITs, look for a good looking diaphragm at a good price.
They are easy to R&R. You can check for loose connections without an ohmmeter. Is this problem in both speakers?