Oppo Ceasing production

Just visited Oppo's web site.  They are ceasing production of all their products and will only do warranty work and firmware support for their products.  They no longer have the resources to manufacture new products.  Didn't see this one coming.
Wow!  Didn't see that one coming!

I have a PS Audio memory player.  I think they use an Oppo disk unit in that product.  I wonder if their parts are used in lots of other name brand products?
When you look at the pittance you need to spend to get a reasonably competent BR player from Sony or similar, perhaps it's explicable that they weren't getting sufficient market share.  But it's still a sad day.  They were diversifying, etc.  Until today, I would have cited them as a success story.
I think you are correct that Oppo units were used by a LOT of other manufacturers as they were just so good at such a fair price that the competition just could not justify the cost of trying to make their own to compete or be better.

Of course then there was ONE infamous manufacturer who decided they would just put a complete Oppo inside their box and sell it under their own brand name at a massive mark up.....that did not end well for them.....
It is truly hard to believe. I thought Oppo was a role model for success!
Oppo was always personally responsive to customer questions unlike so many other companies that hide behind voice mail, email etc.

And, 4K discs played back on my 205 are outstanding!

Very sad...


I am very disappointed to hear this news but, I assume, the sales of physical media (CD's) is declining and probably their product sales are not good.  OPPO is a great company and, I would have hoped, maybe, they could have started building other products.  A noted above, I guess they could have also sold the business but, for some reason, decided not to do.

Unfortunately, the audio community is not growing, and I am concerned that other similar business may also decide to cease production.  I am also seeing fewer audio retailers.  It is very disappointing that the Audio Businesses do not do more to attract younger people to this hobby, especially at the various audio shows.  Of course, $65,000+ prices for equipment is not helping.   

The Audio Industry needs to step up to attract more customers.   Time will tell what happens.  Maybe everyone on Audiogon needs to buy at least one new audio product this year (I have).  

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