I recently bought a cambridge cxn v1 for $600,inventory clearance down from $900. Same internals as 851N at Crutchfied for $1600, more xlr, optical, & coax connects on 851N. There is no detailed manual from cambridge, very hard to get detailed info. I suspect the dac in both only works thru usb in, not optical or coax in.Published reviews have been none existent. Cambridge only has email support ion USA so answers are long coming. I use jriver, playing cd files copied to hard drive, optical out to cxn then coax out to Gungnir. Sound out is ok, probably because of gungnir dac. as a noob with Jriver, there is little instruction to clearly and easily get jriver settings correct. So Ive got some learning & reading to do. Cambridge said tidal is coming by software update between april 4 and 18, 2018, but Il believe it when it happens. Both microrendu and sotm 200 are Lan in to usb out renderers, so at least cambridge handles more connections in & out. Hans B gave positive reviews for cxn.