Dear @downunder : The SP-10MK3 is a great unit but the new Technics design comes with fundamental/vital characteristics/changes over the MK3 where the MK3 can't compete no matter what: the new Technics comes with a totally new motor design and now is coreless, its TT bearing is way superior, the TT platter is way better damped than the " ringing " MK3 and many other superior characteristics.
No, I don't have yet the opportunity to listen it but I don't need to listen to know its superiority and you neither. (??)
It's the time to let it go the MK3 and MK2s.
With all due respect to this person, I cannot disagree more with this post. Where to begin....first, people bear in mind, the drive architecture of the SP10R is cloned from the little brother SL-1200 G. The new dc motor adds a second set of stator windings for increased torque and like the 1200G is coreless and brushless. Both torque and power of the MK3 dc motor is measurably greater. The 10R bearing remains tiny compared to the SP10MK3's oversized bearing, its a toothpick. The platter is multi layered, damped and dynamically balanced, like the Mk3, but weighs significantly less. The power supply is switching type, not a proper linear power supply, which the MK3 has. By the way, none of the stated factory specifications published by Technics thus far for the SP10R surpass the Technics Sp10MK3 technical bench specifications, nada = none. By the way, those whom actually own one can confirm the SP10MK3 platter does not have unwanted "ringing" characteristics. In my eyes, this makes it more of a new SP10MK2 v.2 per se, than anything else.
I'll be ordering a new Technics SP10R at some point for fun to compare and because I think its a neat refresh of an established benchmark, but need to make some room first! ;)