Are there any Delphi Oracle Users Who Can Comment

Oracle Delphi users,... can you comment on your TT and your love/hate? Is it an excellent TT or is it just a cool one? What is it? 

Their support seems to be very excellent and their upgrades are at least existing and relevant. 
The Oracle Delphi is an outstanding turntable - I traded my Denon DP-80 for one back in the 80s. Mine was a Series III. Setup is a little tricky because you need to get the suspension springs to work pistonically for best results, but it gets easier with practice. Earlier models used a counterweight under the plinth - rather than springs - to balance the turntable.

Later models look much the same, but have a broader subchassis, which has improved stability. One change I did make to mine was to replace the plastic armboard with a metal one, and that made a big difference.

I sold my Delphi to a friend who still uses it with my old FR 64FX arm. It still sounds great. Its weakness is in the lowest bass, which isn't a big issue for him in his system.
I was an Oracle dealer for many years.  I have setup well over 50 of their tables.  I have personally owned at least 10 Oracle tables and still use my Delphi MKIV with Zeta (van den Hul) arm and Zu Audio/Denon DL-103 daily.

IMHO, the older versions, (and current crop of Oracle tables) still hold their own with most out there.

One of my favorite tables...
mofimadness: Thanks and can I ask did you ever run another TT? How did that compare? Oracle was your one an only (several one's)? MKIV seems to be the point where they started to get it really right and I don't read many excellent reviews so how do I render that? Set me straight? Links are welcome. 
I have owned so many different table/arm/cart combos that there is no way I could even name all of them.

Analog systems (table/arm/cart) setup was kind of my forte in the high-end business, so I have pretty much seen/heard/setup it all, (well many anyway).

IMHO, budget plays more into this than anything. Remember you will also need an arm, armboard, cartridge, headshell (maybe), phono cable. This adds up really quickly.

If you’re asking me if I would go out and buy (at $10K retail with Turbo power supply) a new Oracle Delphi MKVI-Gen2, no I wouldn’t. There are several other tables around that price that "I" would rather have, but again, that’s "me".

The Oracle Delphi is an absolutely wonderful, world class table and makes a great platform for a super high-end analog system. Only you can decide if it’s right for "you"...