Denon's new Blu-Ray player

Denon is releasing a hi-end Blu-Ray player for 2000.00.
Compared to what many of us haved paid for audio and HT gear, buying players in BOTH formats is not that expensive. You can get a Toshiba HD A2 and Sony 300 for about $700 combined. Then sign up for both formats at Netflix and you don't have to invest heavily in the software either.

I have HD cable and a DVR, and a Toshiba HD D2 (same as A2 but from Costco w/included HDMI cable). In spite of these HD programming options, whenever I get an HD DVD from Netflix, it's a real treat with the better picture, lack of pixelation on fast action, and sound quality. Easily worth the $250 if I never buy an HD disk myself.

I definitely don't intend to buy another std. def. DVD. I pass them up at $5-6 at Sam's and Costco all the time now.
Agreed. As above, you can get into both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray for less than the cost of what most 'goners pay for a good power cord.
09-30-07: Cruz123
Agreed. As above, you can get into both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray for less than the cost of what most 'goners pay for a good power cord.
... or line level preamps and DACs that have been surpassed and are now stacked up collecting dust, or earlier-gen disk players that would cost more to get their lasers re-aligned than they're worth.

Us Americans like to burn the candle at both ends.

Yes, something's gonna bite the dust. Still, the embers can be fun to watch.
$2000 beans??- for what? Why would anyone spend $2G's for anything made by DENON?

Until Blu-Ray and HD DVD format is really here to stay just buy an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 and have fun gaming and watching movies, these are worth the money not a $2000 Denon-