Processor recommendation

Please provide me with constructive criticism and advice on my HT and Music system and let me know what processor you would recommend for it, I was thinking the theta Casablanca III or Anthem AVM 60 or Marantz 8802 or emotiva xmc:

Monitor Audio PL300 Series 1 - Fronts
Monitor Audio PL350 - Middle
Monitor Audio PL100 - Rear
Mcintosh MC 300 - three of them, one for each front channel
Mcintosh MC 152 - for two back channels
Oppo 205 DVD
Emotiva xmc — processor - haven’t bought it yet and need it for ht movies and music playing

Thanks for the advice!
Yes, exactly, wanted a Casablanca 3D upgraded but the best price I can get is 8500, a little much and wanted something just as good but less expensive.  Any thoughts? McIntosh mx121 or ??
I actually did not like Theta when I tried it in my system.  However, with those McIntosh amps, a Theta might be okay.  The Casablanca III is old technology at this point and should be avoided if you need HDMI support.

i agree on Emotiva.  It’s good features for money, but very mediocre sound.  I would recommend Marantz 8802 (or even 7702 or newer) over the Emotive just for sound quality purposes!!

anthem avm60 is good, but I really like the idea of the discrete analog output stages in the Marantz.  The 8802 has an excellent power supply as well (I think 40,000uf of capacitance, more than some amps!).
I have not heard the MX122 directly, so I’m assuming here.  I think both would have similar sound, a somewhat laid back sonic signature.  Both have good approaches to power supply.  I could be wrong, but I think McIntosh uses op amps for all analog stages, where the Marantz has discrete audio output boards.  The Marantz will be cheaper because they sell a LOT more and can sell for lower price.  McIntosh sure does have a beautiful front panel.
get the Marantz 8802A, I own one, purchased new.  you can get great deals on used ones since marantz came out with a new processor the 8805 i believe is he model #. not much difference between that and the 8802A in regards to electronics.