Sonus Faber Alternatives That Offer Similar Sound and Performance, your expertise needed!

First of all, let me set the stage for this discussion. I have owned a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica III's for some time now, and love the sound of these speakers. And not only the sound, but the build quality, the appearance, everything about them. I only wish they could have been available in the classic, beautiful violin red color.

I made what was perhaps a mistake, in retrospect, in recently listening to both a pair of the Amati Futuras as well as it's recent successor, the Amati Tradition. The Futura's were in the home of a new friend, the Traditions were auditioned for myself, and a friend, while I accompanied him to the local premium audio seller. As I noted before, I am extremely happy with my Olympica III's. However, upon hearing both the Futura's and Traditions, they both exhibited everything I love about my Olympica's, but just more of all of it.   And, very importantly, I heard the Futuras in a setting that virtually duplicated the size of my own room (13x15x8) , and seating position distance, so I know they would work.

Unfortunately, the Amati Futuras sold at $36k a pair, and Traditions go for $30,000 a pair, and an average of $18.5k and $17.5k used, respectively . I now really desire to move up to either the Amati Futura or Tradition, for the duration of my listening life,  and, at the same time, get that wondrous red violin finish I've always dreamed of owning. Even give how much I am a dyed in the wool Sonus Faber fan, I simply have to  realize I will not ever have the necessary funding to allow me to make an upgrade to either of these, which are the next step up in the line. The maximum  I could manage to spend, is $11k, to upgrade. I realize this would buy me an older model from Sonus Faber, but their sound characteristics are quite different from that of the newer models that began with the Olympica line, the Futura's, etc.  

The truly frustrating thing is that, with other speaker brands, you do sometimes come across a real steal which allows you to upgrade more than substantially. Recently, I found a deal for a friend who is a Von Schweikert enthusiast that allowed him to move up three models in their line, at the cost of $8000.00 for a pair of speakers that originally sold at $29,000.00. Six months ago, another friend found a deal on a pair of $30k B&W speakers for $10k. Yes, these were older speakers, but none the less brilliant performers regardless.

So now we come to the real discussion point. It's clear I cannot, and will not be able to afford what I want from Sonus Faber, what other brands, and potentially older speakers, would provide a similar sound that could likely be found on a great deal, used, in the kind of price range I can afford? Perhaps the answer is nothing, but I at least have to ask. Your opinions, expertise and thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Nightfall...I never heard either one but I did own the JA Pulsars and they were fantastic. They are both dream speakers in my world...I am sure the Pearls and Snell Illusions would work in your room with careful setup and room treatment. Pull them out from the front and sidewalls and adjust toe to your liking and away you go.
I do own the Olympica III’s and must say they are the best loudspeaker that I have ever owned.I have owned some decent speakers but the SF are special when feed well. Love them in my system.
Good luck in your search.
Just a comment.  The Joseph Audio speakers use the Seas Magnesium woofers and the Seas soft dome tweeters (both which I have intimate experience as I have just built my own speakers using these drivers).  This is a recording I have done with them:

the Seas Magnesium are extremely high resolution drivers with lots of detail, attack and punch.  I absolulately love them!  I will agree that the Joseph Audio speakers are just phenomenal.  They really draw you into the music and are extremely exciting to listen to.  However, they are not the same as Sonus Faber.  Sonus Faber is the type of speaker I recommend when somebody has a very stressful day and wants to come home and listen to very pleasant and calming sounds.  With Sonus, all the detail is there, but it is definitely not a forward or exciting sounding speaker such as Joseph Audio.  I think the Pearl3 will be fine in you’re room. 

If if you haven’t done so already, you might look into bass traps to help with standing waves.
As a comparison, I initially built these speakers with the Seas coated paper woofers (which would be closer to the Sonus Faber sound).

If you listen, you can tell they are more laid back with the “attack” and have more of a tube like midrange bloom.

Coincidentally, I looked at those Snell A-7. It appears that they use the Seas coated paper wooofers, so they would sound closer to the Sonus Faber type of sound.
nightfall, don't feel like you're all alone out there. I would greatly enjoy moving up the ladder as well. I would take a serious look at these...

I would buy these in a heartbeat if I could pull it off but alas, I am in the same boat as you for now. These are a bit out of reach for me. This is a great buy on a wonderful set of speakers. Good luck to you!