Hi,I have had the new Avalon Isis for about a week now and put about 125 hours on them and I believe this is Avalon finest moment to date.The speaker is big but not a huge footprint 60x14x17 and it is actually more transparent and detailed than the diamond and it has the slam and bass that has never been heard thru a avalon speaker,and to top it off it is 90 db efficient.Mine is still breaking in but I believe you will hear a lot about this speaker before to long.
Hi Tom,

My Avalon Eidolon Diamond was arrived and replaced Avalon Avatar. Now the Martin Logan Depth sub-woofer is not used any more. There is enough bass and it is very high quality bass with pitch, texture, clean and control bass, no any boated or boomy bass. What you get more from Avalon Avatar is that music has much more weight and body. It is like music band is playing in your room, you listen to music band, not hifi reproduction system. The dynamics is effortless, no any compression or stress sound. The music can play loud with very clear instruments, no blur, no congest. I use MIT Oracle IC and MIT Oracle speaker wire. There is palpable singer and superb holographic image of all instruments. The Avalon Eidolon Diamond is very accurate and neutral speakers. It will show any fault in previous system chain, if there is. And it is very sensitive of speakers location placing in room and toe in set up of speakers. If anything wrong, its sound will be just ordinary speakers. If toe in is not enough, no focus image and no soul sound or you will feel not involve in music, lifeless music. But if you set up correct, its sound will be superb excellent sound which you cannot imagine that it reach to this excellent level. I am very happy and plan to add Stealth Audio Indra IC to my system to further improve my hifi system. The Stealth Audio Indra IC is most neutral, accurate, fast and ultra-detail sound IC. I hope that it will lift up my system to next level again!
Happy to hear you're enjoying music so much with the Eidolon Diamonds Vyokyong. Love it!!!

I use My Coincident Statement pre-amp and Decware Zen Mystery Amp with 40 watts of 4 Ohm to drive Avalon Eidolon Diamond. It provides bass punch and authority without any problem, even for orchestra music. However when I add Martin Logan depth sub-woofer to my system, it provides realism Live concert. I recommend to add sub-woofer to Avalon Eidolon Diamond for last bottom frequency of 20 - 24 Hz. You will be totally amazing to what you hear. It is totally different world to no-sub-woofer. Even though Avalon speakers manual states that adding sub-woofer will give more negative effect than positive effect. I don't hear any negative effects. What I hear is all positive. It provides more 3D imaging and all singer and music instruments get their own space around them, more transparency and clarity. It is more vivid and palpable that you can feel singer and music instrument are real in your room. You will be excited of authority and punch of bass, no room mode or no boom boom bass. It likes real drum!