Vienna Acoustics Bach Grand

I'm currently demo'ing a pair of these speakers in my home. It's seeming as if there's a bit of muddiness in the mid-bass. From anybody whose heard these speakers, is this something that could be a function of how much power I'm giving it? I'm using an HK AVR125, rated at 45 w/ch. Highs and midrange seem just fine, in fact it sounds great. Its just when I play something a bit denser, such as Dave Matthews Band or even some of Sting's more recent albums, that I'm finding this type of performance. I don't listen to anything much harder, but if I ever do, I would imagine it would only exacerbate the issue.

I was expecting something a bit more, but wondering if it's the fault of my equipment rather than the speaker. My old speakers were three-way, so I'm wondering if I might need a speaker with a dedicated midrange plus woofer to get me the sound I'm wanting?
Just to add some things: VA is using almost exclusivelly tweeters and woofers made by SEAS and Scanspeak. My VA Haydn Grand is using SEAS and some more expensive models are using Scanspeak.
I have/had models from the Hayden all the way up the Mahlers. I love VA gear. In the pre grand line the Hayden and Bach got diffrent tweeters drivers. I believe that still stands true with the grand line. So from Bach to Mozart is a big diffrence. And they just keep getting better the more you spend (isn't that always the case). If size is not an issue, consider a used set of Beethovens. They will cost you about the same, but the older Beethoven will still out perform the Bach Grand. I never had a big problem with placement of my VA speakers.
LI recently demoed the Beethoven Grands the Baby Beethovens and teh Mozart Grands. They were all in front of me with the Mozarts spread out the farthest on the outside of the other two sets. All I can say ils wow. The soundstage was huge and the bass was fairly taut compared to the other two. They sounded better than the other two expensive models.I don't want to hear the other two spread equally as wide I might be tempted. I am buying the mozarts.
I also owned the Bach Grand model and was amazed just at how huge of a soundstage they produced. I then decided to upgrade wondering how much better it could get. I went to the Beethoven Concert's, but not the grand's the older version. I bought a pair from a friend instead of the newer one's I think they actually sound a notch better, and more laid back, amazingly huge soundstage. Like everybody said, it's all about placement with VA which is a fun process anyway. Mine are almost 10 feet apart as well. I am using wireworld 100% silver top model interconnects and speaker cables. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
Dear All,

I, too, have aqcuired a pair of Beethoven Baby Grand recently. I haven't broken them in as yet (requries at least 100 hours...heh, getting there), but the sound is simply stunning for piano, female voice and other classical instruments. I have audition Beethven Concerto Grand but I felt the bass was a bit too emphasised(though, the room/placement setting was not the ideal at Singer).

And YES, the placement is very crucial to VA lines and certainly my Bees Baby Grand is no exception. Currently the distance btwn the speakers is about 240cm (8 ft) and I am very satisfied with the result. Also, I have about 120cm (4ft) away from the backwall.

Quite frankly, I have audtioned many speakers below US$5000 and couldn't find a single pair of speakers which performs female voice better than VA lines. Although, I must admit the bass in Beethoven Grand, Bees Baby Grand, Mozart Grand and Bach Grand doesn't have - relatively speaking - much precense but I dont' listen to bass heavy sound so I can get by (though my Baby Grand performs Wagner like the way it should be performed!).

The tremble in my BBG is like 'uber-crystal-velvet-smooth' and never fatiguing like some B&W I experienced (it was exciting sound but I don't think I can listen to B&W all day long).

My system:
VA Beethoven Baby Grand (BBG perfomrs better, to my ears, than Concerto and Mozart)
YBA Integre DT 50W (nice mating with the VA!)
Music Hall CD25.2 (very good for the price)
Oyaide XXX outlet (what a difference a piece of outlet makes!)
Oyaide Tunami GPX PC (amazing performance!)
Kimber PBJ IC (will be Kcag very soon... I was advised use silver cable for my VA)
DYI SC (so far so good)
