I have been using the Cambridge 851 CD player for a few years and want more.

I have too many CD's to get out of the medium. I wonder what you would recommend (from your experience) as an upgrade for the 851 which I kind of like. should I consider a new player or adding a DAC? I'm retired so I can't go with the most expensive options. Please advise.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdonpepe
If any of you are using the Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ or the Schiit Yggdrasil, please offer your opinion on these DAC's.
I’ve heard a couple of older CDPs run through both the Benchmark DAC2 and Bryston BDA-2 DACs and could hear noticeable improvements. I preferred the Benchmark sound myself and am actually watching the used market....
 There's a Metrum Hex DAC on EBay for $1699 -- great DAC.  Just doing my part to help you stay within budget.  Best of luck.