Now I'm really worry about. If you can think that then the SAT owners did it too and my intentions on the whole subject are far away to " blame " directly or inderectly to all those 70 gentlemans and I never intented to make them aware " they are not audiophiles " because I know for sure they all are true audiophiles and not only whealty people.
If that is what any one or all those 70 gentlemans think when read this thread please accept my humble apologies to all of you.
Problem is that English language is not my native one and I have a lot of vocabulary and gramatical limitations. Sorry for that.
Btw, this main subjects in this thread is more a critic to one of the main parts of the AHEE where we all belongs:
the SAT " stampede " was and is under the command of the tonearm designer and I like and want to think that he did it in good shape and due to his personal believes and not only to make money.
I'm not questioning his credentials he showed/writes in his site but more that he has not the expertise levels in audio analog that he showed in the other site areas and the tonearm anomalies confirms that fact.
In the other side the first and second line on that SAT " stampede " was commanded by the main parts of the AHEE that are the professional reviewers and audio sellers/distributors and here is where belongs all the responsability of the no-sense " stampede " and it's here where I'm questioning in deep way because we audiophiles/customers are the ones from all of them receives our money: all of us pay for a responsable work and all of them ( in this SAT regards. ) just falls in a dark and " corrupted " hole:
it's incredible that no single reviewer and I mean it never made it for his self ( just by curiosity ! ) the questions: which the tracking error and tracking distortions in the SAT with its dedicated kind of alignment? which anti skate level needs the tonearm for its cartridge set up? which advantages or disadvantages has that prefered designer VTF lower cartridge/tonearm set up? stylus tip wear levels? centered coils? LP grooves wear level?
because all those questions are their minimal responsabilities for a reviewer that appreciated him self as a professional reviewer. This is what I'm questioning and as an analog audio customer I have/own the rigth to ask all of them and waiting for a precise and clear answers of their " actions " or " not actions ".
As is proved in this thread and elsewhere exist several anomalies in that tonearm design and designer preferences ( that insist is not the designer culprit because he has not experience levels. ).
Again, before any cartridge mounted in the tonearm already develops higher distortions for that dedicated kind of alignment choosed and additional skating and other faults because the designer preferences on VTF set up.
The sellers/distributors? they can't talk because with his " mouth closed " is how they took the money from customers with this tonearm.
We have to remember that ignorance and mis-information is a kind of corruption and that's why I talk of " corrupted AHEE ".
Were all of them whom commanded the " stampede " and the 70 gentlemans the " victims " of that " no reasons stampede ".
Was in favor of the 70 audiophiles like @tli or @jareko that I gave my advise to make tests in their system using Löfgren alignment inside the IEC standards and with its respective P2S that's way different from the designer tonearm alignment. It has/must be to sounds/performs good not as @tli found out: " dim and flat ".
Overall that's why I losted my trust in the AHEE and that's why I always take/took my audio actions thinking " out of the box ". From some years now there is no single audio issue where any one of us can learns inside the box/AHEE.
Pity but is a shame of reality.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,