speakers that would be a clear upgrade to Gallo CL-3

I have started the process of shopping for a speaker upgrade to my Gallo CL3’s which I really like, but as you all know there’s that itch...so my budget is max 5k but would really like to keep it to 3500 new or used. I just weaned off of tubes and sold my dac by going to the amazing Job INTegrated amp with built in dac. With a nice power cord on it, this thing is scary good for the price and I don’t miss tubes in the least, and I love minimalism.
Gallo CL3
Job INTegrated
sotm sms200 streamer
(also have a TT and CDP that I barely use)

Speakers I have been thinking about:
Goldenear Triton 2+ and 1
Ryan 620 or 630
Used Vandersteen Treo

What do you guys think of my shortlist? Anything I should add? I was curious about Aurum Cantus especially at the price/performance ratio and in home trial, but I get nervous about resale. ANyone have experience with them?


Any high resolution speaker can sound musical that is what system matching is all about. 

As per Heils and Ribbons the high tech drivers generally have more detail than other types of drivers.

it is however, the total design of a loudspeaker including, cabinet design, crossover design and implimentation which makes a speaker sound a particular way.

In terms of Arum speakers and Golden Ear,  both speakers sound totally different, the Golden Ears are voiced a bit on the warm and recessed side while the Aurum tweeters are very detailed and exhibit the typical ribbon drivers strengths and weaknesses, also Arum Cantus speakers are virtually unknown in the US so it would be very hard to hear them. 

Clarinetmonster you may want to look at the new Quad Z4 which are a $5k set of speakers that offer an amazing amount of performance for the money. 

We just started to carry the Quad line of dynamic loudspeakers. We found out about the line after reading Stereophile and Ken Metcalf's review on the S2 which is a $1,000.00 pair of bookshelves seemed intiriguing. 

The Quad line of dynamic speakers were designed by a famous British loudspeaker designer Peter Comenu who was the founder of Heybrook, and the engineering team at IAG. 

The Quad S and Z series use a completely in house designed  drivers. The ribbon tweeter is exceptional as it is a damped ribbon so it tends to sound a little less bright then an undamped ribbon tweeter.

We got in the S2 the $1,000.00 monitor and boy is it shockingly good. huge soundstage, completely seemless driver integration, very open, clean detailed top end and great bass for a compact monitor.

In fact we were so blown away by the starter monitor we ordered the larger floorstander, the S4 and the more expensive Z series.

Quad will also at this time be a hard brand to find as Mofi distribution just started to work with the brand to establish dealers in the US.

Right now there are a few scattered around the states. 

If the more expensive Z series is as good as the English reviews say they are they will be an exceptional value for a speaker that sounds this good.


Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
A used pair of Joseph Audio Pulsars or even Profiles would likely be a meaningful step up from the Gallos.  There's also a nice pair of ProAc D20rs here now that incorporate a ribbon tweeter if you're looking that way.  But if you're maybe up for a different and potentially game-changing experience, there's a pair of basically new Nola Viper IIa here now listed at $3k.  Anyway, just some good alternatives to explore. 

I'm interested in the Pulsars and maybe the Profiles. I have a friend that raves about the Puslars all the time. I am also waiting to hear back from Audiotroy (Dave) about the new Quad Z-3. He definitely has my attention with those. Does anyone think the Scansonic MB2.5 would also be a meaningful step up? They seem to pop up regularly on here.