I have been using the Cambridge 851 CD player for a few years and want more.

I have too many CD's to get out of the medium. I wonder what you would recommend (from your experience) as an upgrade for the 851 which I kind of like. should I consider a new player or adding a DAC? I'm retired so I can't go with the most expensive options. Please advise.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdonpepe
Try a Doge6, available directly from the company.  An amazingly good piece.  You virtually never see one up for sale.  I sold mine to finance an Esoteric X05 and I was very sorry. 
Not knowing your system,and assuming you’re not already using balanced power; I recommend you audition an Equitech 2Q. You may be very pleased at the quality of sound “hidden” in your present system. I use one along with MIT p/c’s and a Sound Application unit. 
I am using a Siltech PC, and balanced interconnects by NBS. My current system is BelCanto REF 1000 MK2 mono's, Ayre K-1x preamp all balanced, Sota Nova TT along with the 851c player.
To adg101, I'm interested in the fuse idea but can't find any mention in the 851 manual about the type of fuses it uses.