Preamp under $2,000 used

I'm looking for good suggestions on a used, less than 10 years old preamp to pair with my Mark Levinson 532h amp and Revel F206 speakers. Currently using an Anthem MRX510. Looking for a little more resolution. 
I've reviewed Levinson, Ayre and Parasound Halo JC as great reviewed preamp. Any suggestions?
I forgot to mention that the ET3-SE from Conrad Johnson operates with a single 6922 tube.  I rolled the tubes at about 50 hours and have not changed them since.  I was worried about changing tubes and the expense, but we are going on 2 years of heavy use (couple of hours almost every day) on 1 system or the other, and they sound great.
I have some extra Audio Refinement (YBA) gear. Preamp, matching CD and tuner also. 
4hannons, When I said reviewed I simply meant I've read about, read reviews on those and a few others. I'm not looking to throw another $5-10,000 in my system , it sounds very good with the Anthem as preamp, OPPO Bd105 as music player and aforementioned Levinson 532h amp and Revel speakers. I'm just wanting to get a little more refinement and resolution than the Anthem can provide. 
I've heard tube preamps in a couple other systems, one with Revel F208s, sound very good. Don't know between tubed or solid state which would be the quietest, blackest background and refined articulate sound. I know my amp has very capable refined sound, just think my Anthem is good but holding things back a bit. 

I just purchased a Hegel preamp because I own the Hegel H300 integrated and it sounds fantastic. I am teaming up the Hegel preamp with a pair of Classe ct-m300 monoblocks using xlr with very good results. 
Look at a Krell KAV-280p preamp and then re-cap the power supply.  Make sure to increase the 4x3300uf main power supply capacitors to 4x6800uf.  This makes a huge difference and fixes the typical Krell "cold and bright" sonic signature.  Cost of the preamp is typically $1200-1400.  Cost of capacitor parts is probably $50-60 plus labor.