which should i purchase (tetra or sonus faber)

listening to tetra 606 ,and sonus farber amati , both excellent, leaning a little to tetra 606, they are without a doubt the most musical detailed speaker ive ever heard , any other comparisons, or comments
I like Tetra speakers very much (though I haven't heard the 606 yet). Sounds like you like 'em too. Seriously I doubt there's a wrong choice between the Tetras and the Sonus Fabers, but why not get the one that your ears say are "without a doubt the most musical detailed speaker" you've ever heard?

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What"s your price range? I heard some Hansen's and they were truly spectaculer. No, they were not colored and beautiful like the Sonus Fabers. They were truly reference grade speakers, letting exactily what the source, pre and amp characteristics come through. Amazingly transperant and musical with the right matc up.
