I have been using the Cambridge 851 CD player for a few years and want more.

I have too many CD's to get out of the medium. I wonder what you would recommend (from your experience) as an upgrade for the 851 which I kind of like. should I consider a new player or adding a DAC? I'm retired so I can't go with the most expensive options. Please advise.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdonpepe
To donpepe

fuses are
2.5A 250V small / Fast 5x20mm
2.5A 250V small / Slow 5x20mm

I don’t recall which one went were without opening the lid but I think the slow blow was back on the power supply near the IEC power cord socket/back right corner and the fast blow on the S3 Servo board left of transport. You’ll know when you look at the stock fuses as the slow blow has the fatter wire.

The stock fuses are actually 2A but everyone recommends going just a little larger value so I did. I first installed the Synergestic Reds which sounded better than the stock fuses. Sound was warmer but I felt they didn’t open things up as much as the Black I installed on my Modwright preamp so Chris at VH Audio let me exchange the Reds for Blacks and this was a bigger improvement as it really opened things up. The Blacks are faster and very relaxed... sounds much closer to my Table now. Now that the Blues are out I’d spend the extra and go for those. Chris gives you thirty days to try them out so not much to lose except your time and shipping.

Hope this helps.

Just for the hell of it, why don't you try running the 851C directly into your amps and see what you think of the sound that way?
A good dac, especially if you add a reclocker, would probably improve the sound a lot. Check other threads and forums for dac ideas. I would probably look into Chord Qutest, Denafrips, Soekris or a 2nd hand Shiit Yggdrasil.