the OP hit the nail with the title of this thread- that’s saying a mouthful....the latest saying on the street is "old school is the only school"...I’ll take it a step further. it’s not only about big powerful speakers that were affordable. the whole audio experience has lost its touch. reason- they aren’t making high quality analog masters in the studios anymore, like they used to. that affects sound quality, in that the music doesn’t "draw you in" like it used to. I remember getting up on a Saturday as a kid, and starting to play vinyl records at around 10AM, on a consumer mid-fi 110 WPC solid state rig. and at 12:30PM I’d still be playing them, taking some breaks to eat and shower. and they sounded do damned good, and if I had nothing to do, or it was raining outside, or winter, or nobody around to hang out with, I’d keep right on playing LP’s until the played stack was dozens high, and the sun would be going down. 12+ hours straight of listening, or more- and it sounded awesome, and was a thrilling experience. Now I long for those days, cuz life has changed to the point, people just don’t enjoy music like that anymore- to that extent. they listen to music like buying fast food in the drive through. I think what we have to do, is put a couple days a month aside, or at least ONE day, to do nothing that day but listen to music. like the old days....