Carver Raven 350 Amps

Has anyone heard these amps?
They supposedly can produce 350 watts per channel which in my opinion is remarkable for a tube amp. I have the Atma-Sphere M-60’s 3.3 and I love their tube sound.

But I am curious, Bob has made some very interesting products through the years.


I sent an email to Jordan asking about the volume control and he replied that it is on the input stage.  I believe this would mean it impacts both gain and volume.


Thanks for your reply. I would not describe the hiss as hum, but it is quite noticeable sitting even 15 feet away from the speakers with no music playing.
The Atma-Sphere are pretty much quiet compared to the Carvers.

I just tried reducing the Carver volume knob and it does reduce the hiss but it probably also reduces the overall volume too, hopefully not too much.

10db of gain is a fairly large difference and I would think could easily account for hearing the noise coming from the input on the Carvers while not on your other amps.  LIke I mentioned before, if you pull the inputs and no longer hear the noise it is almost certainly not the amp from everything I have read.
On my Carvers I get a small amount of hum even with the input disconnected.  It goes away when I short the inputs and even when there I have to be within ~3 inches of the speaker to hear it.  This is with the amplifier volume knob at full and is the same on both amplifiers.  I also get some power supply hum from the amplifiers themselves but have to be very close to hear that as well.

erichgs, how are you doing with that hum, i was thinking of buying the raven 350, how do they sound how is the soundstage,  deep ,

i have a cary slp-05 preamp, would this be a good combo,