Some of the Worst Offenders in Bad Audio Forum Behavior Are Not Regular Forum Members

I've noticed first hand a disturbing trend over at Stereophile for the past couple of years that whenever someone knowledgeable challenges the mantra put forth by some of their editors, the Chief Editor, Mr. Atkinson, demands that the poster put forth personal information about themselves and any possible affiliations they may have with regard to employment that Mr. Atkinson might consider some kind of conflict of interest. Most notably, this occurred recently with a user named Archimago - a popular member of Computer Audiophile who extensively examined MQA, it's claims, and the claims made for it by Stereophile staff. Mr. Atkinson repeatedly challenged the author for his identity and professional affiliations - without which, he would disregard the message conveyed by said forum member. Mr. Atkinson has gone even further in other instances of which I personally witnessed first hand. He insists on banning from Stereophile's forum anyone whom he believes has a duty to publicly identify themselves without specifying the criteria behind the demand - other than that an industry affiliation might exist. I would encourage readers here to visit Computer Audiophile and search for Archimago /MQA discussions to see what I'm on about first hand.

The point of raising this is not necessarily to drag Mr. Atkinson through the mud but to highlight a key aspect of hypocrisy with respect to Mr. Atkinson's "policy" and how that relates to ALL online forums. Time and again, we're reminded in various forums when ideas are presented and challenged in a heated atmosphere - "FOCUS ON THE SUBJECT MATTER - NOT THE CREDENTIALS OR PERCEIVED FAILINGS OF THE INDIVIDUAL MAKING HIS OR HER POINT". This in my view has always been good advice. When we "play the ball" and not  "the man", it is much easier to maintain a civil exchange of ideas/experiences.  So where does Mr. Atkinson's insistence on identifying qualifications of the person fit in to this concept? It seems that every time he or a staff member is personally challenged for facts, he resorts to this "policy" as a form of censorship.  So basically what I"m saying here is that there's plenty of evidence that in some circles, the very people who should be encouraging us all to focus on the merits of the message - letting it stand or fall on its own without involving the supposed "credentials" of the messenger, - these people are in fact the worst offenders among us. Instead of setting a good example and sticking to it, they are doing the opposite while on occasion imploring the rest of us "regular members" to "do as I say - not as I do". I no longer participate in Stereophile forums because of this obvious cute form of censorship that has been employed. I hope that kind of thing never happens here on Audiogon. My guess, however, is that since Agon moderators aren't in the business of promoting/reviewing certain products that come along, that issue is not likely to present itself.
In any case, how do you feel about the privacy rights of other forum members? Should everyone be required to put forth their real name and potential industry affiliation or should that only apply to people who appear to be trying to sell something other than knowledge in the course of posting?
Hi @cj1965 ,

Take a trip through , a wine forum that allows anonymity. It gets every bit as childish as any other internet forum. I submit (respectfully) that you are wrong to think that wine is a topic above the fray...

I think some people use internet anonymity as an excuse to be the jerk they always wanted to be in real life. I don’t think it does the world much good, and I really would be more interested in a "real name" and "full disclosure" audio site.


Very interesting bit of info there. Thanks. For what it's worth, I don't doubt for a minute that sites requiring full disclosure have a tendency to force participants to be on their best behavior. Human nature being what it is, no real surprise there. I don't know what the percentages are. In my own personal experience (all I can base it on), "full disclosure" sites are very rare and like Nonoise eloquently stated, both approaches certainly have their strengths and challenges.

I think the Agon forum is going through a maturing experience, just like the hobby is, and the members should let it happen and enjoy the ride.

Michael Green

Happy to be who I am, and happy to let people see my credentials.

If you go over to the Audio Asylum forums, John Atkinson is a regular in the Critics forum where most members bash various audio brands and people associated with the industry.  Mr. Atkinson has been very forthright in his answers and many times he is called names, etc.  I find him to be one of the most honest people in the industry and he has more integrity than most others.  No, I am not affiliated with Stereophile or any other magazine or audio manufacturer.  I actually feel bad for him at the beatings he takes from very unkind people and he always answers in the most professional manner.

Regarding the Stereophile forum, since it is essentially his magazine, he can do what he likes in that forum.  That is my humble opinion.

Unquestionably, the editor at Stereophile can "do what he likes" with the forum he closely moderates. Not a lot of insight in that statement. Whether or not he goes on other forums and receives criticism/praise from others is equally irrelevant and lacking in pertinence or insight with respect to this thread. Factually, he has done little to curtail the excesses of some of the well known writers that appear on the Stereophile website and in print. Some of the most offensive swearing and vitriol I've witnessed in forums over the past five years has come from regular Stereophile writers and staff responding to criticism in a variety of forums on the net. The bottom line of this thread is to point up the hypocrisy of a "policy" that censors well qualified, well intentioned, and yes, WELL BEHAVED private individuals from posting information on their site simply because the information disagrees with what Stereophile and its staff are pushing - under the guise of the poster's failure to disclose his/her personal identity and possible affiliations. Mr. Atkinson may indeed be a pleasant fellow to deal with in person. That's not the subject of this thread. His errant "policy" is. You will never find him demanding such disclosure from posters who agree with his often times erroneous, misleading, or agenda ridden statements. Only those who present opposing views/evidence. If that were not IN FACT the case, you can be sure this thread would not exist.