Clearaudio Innovation Wood or shoot for the stars Techdas AF 3

      I currently have a VPI Prime turntable with a Benz Micro LPS-MR cartridge and a Simuaudio 610 lp phono stage. I was about to upgrade to Clearaudio Innovation Wood with probably a Kuzma 4-point arm when my wife says that this better be my last turntable upgrade and she said I could spend more for as long as I never ( never probably means 5 years, I hope ) upgrade my turntable again. This got me looking at the new Techdas AF5 ( just launched at the recent Tokyo Audio Show). However my dealer prefers  of course the more expensive AF 3  with a Graham arm. Although, he can also do  Kuzma except I have to wait for an armboard as most Techdas armboards are already pre-drilled to fit Graham's. I have heard the Clearaudio extensively in a friends place with the Universal arm and Mysonic Lab Signature Gold and its sounds great but I have never heard the AF3's. Though I have heard the AF1 in another friends system which costs  probably 20 times mine and it sounded beyond this world ( at least for me). Hoping that the trickle down technology on the AF3 will get me 80%-90% of the sound of the AF1. 

    Now, the question is which table to get? Assuming home audition is not possible ( but of course I will try ). The cost of the AF3 will leave me broke ( to do anymore upgrades to my system) but hopefully happy and satisfied.  The technology on this thing alone makes me want to buy it. The awesome reviews help too. The Clearaudio also has good reviews. I've heard it, it also sounds wonderful and quite a few people here own them and  it leaves me wiggle room too to upgrade some other stuff ( ARC REf phono 3 perhaps or  an additional cartridge for different flavor ) . Though I noticed that owner's keep them for a few years ( from my back reading of threads ) but still upgrade to much higher priced turntables ( hence my hesitation ) as this is  sort of the "last table for life" kind of situation. 

     This a once in a lifetime deal ( because of the wife's blessing and the amount involved ). I don't think she'll give me another chance like this one .  Hoping your thoughts/inputs can point me to the right direction. Thanx.
PS. Please do not suggest other brands, due to availability and dealer relationships these are already my finalists, so let's limit the discussion to the 2 above mentioned turntables.

              I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I'm glad that your on your way to recovery. Health is truly wealth and even winning the lottery isn't worth more than that ( though it can buy quite a number of gears though, hahaha). Take your time. Your health is more important and all this audio stuff will still be there when your healthy and ready.

              I'll take more pics one of these days. As to the room treatments you mentioned, I never took pics but I have them all over the room( mixture of absorbers and diffusers). I actually had to dial it down ( removed a lot of absorbers, the entire front wall except the last panel to the corners) to get more bass which I finally have but still have somewhat of slightly-rolled off highs. The cartridge demoes confirmed this as I have heard these cartridges before in friends systems.



 I did go ahead and started my TT project.

Technics SL 1200 G , modded to take a Triplanar Classic SE. with a Lyra Kleos Carttidge.

Needed to curb my budget a bit. Still think that I will get a rig that can compete with the Big Guys.

As with bobh; I am interested in any updates on your rig and arm / cartridge combos you choose.

bobheinatz and nkonor,

  As an update, my MSL Ultra Eminent Bc should be on it's way back from Soundsmith. Hopefully, my aural memory can discern the similarities/differences between the Eminent vs. the Gold ( though I'm really eyeing the Platinum). 
   My uncle and I did an A/B between the MSL Gold and the Koetsu Blue Lace. Both sounded really good. I wish I could afford both as they bring different things to the table( literally). My uncle liked the Koetsu/Graham combo so much that he purchased a Phantom 3 for his Innovation TT as he was not happy with the Clearaudio Universal Tonearm and Koetsu Tiger Eye combo that he had. 
    In the meantime, I heard the new Top Wing Red Sparrow at the my dealer's ( personal unit ) and it sounded like it would fall between the Koetsu and MSL though I can't be sure without hearing it in my system.  Hopefully, he'll have a demo unit soon but he claims they're hard to come by and he is in fact on a waiting list for his customers orders. Next on the agenda to is to hear an AirTight Opus 1 and Lyra Etna SL.
    My 2nd armboard hasn't arrived so there's time to do the rounds.


           You finally got the Technics SL 1200G with the Triplanar, Congratulations. How is does it sound with the Kleos? I have actually never heard of any Lyra cartridges. I was about to pull the trigger on an Etna Sl and then got cold feet and got a Proteus instead. 

Still have 3 weeks to wait for the Technics / Triplanar. The Lyra are the only cartridges that I have used. Must like them. The Proteus is on my list to audition. Axpona starts today and hopefully someone will be using one. TTs , arms , cartridges are so hard to get auditions of these days. The Etna is highly regarded.