LS3/5a's - what amps are you using?

If there are any LS3/5a owners out there I'd be interested to know what you are running them with. They're a hard load and very inefficient, so they're not an easy speaker to run....

All comments welcome.

Yah. Dunno what happened there! -but I bet I clicked on something I shouldn't have....
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Quad 606II drove the LS3/5a's very well. Also a Denon PMA-S10 integrated sounds pretty good.
I took J.Gordon Holt's advise for an amplifier for my Chartwell LS3/5a and got a Berning EA-230.
I also drove LS3/5As w/ Berning EA-230. I had the first or second EA-230 prototype, circa 1982.