Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers

Has anyone here ever done a side by side comparison between Tannoy Autograph, Bozak Concert Hall Grand, EV Patrician, Jensen Imperial Triaxial, Goodmans, Stentorian, Western Electric, Altec A4, Jbl Everest/Hartsfield/Summit/Paragon/4435, Tannoy Westminsters, Klipschorns vs the Hundreds of Thousand even Million Dollar speakers of today like Totems, Sonus Farber, BW, Cabasse, Wilsons, Dmt, Infinity, Polk ...etc
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Skytronics drivers from the UK are amazing....pop them in any box with some packing and wow!
Unfortunately due to price point very few are coming in any more.
Our new SA! they are excellent.
I had my beloved Klipschorns for 17 years, and expected to have them for life. Fate intervened and because of a move, I needed to sell them. I spent a full year and travelled hundreds of miles seeking a worthy replacement -- listening to almost everything out there under $4,000. I ended up with Spatial Audio M3s, and haven't looked back. I didn't think I'd ever say this, but the M3s surpass the Khorns in every way, mids, highs, and especially sound stage. They have taken me to an entirely new level of quality and enjoyment. I'm a fan of vintage, and have some vintage pieces in my system, but in this case, the new is a significant improvement over the old. The Khorns ruled in their day, but its a new day. 

Hi Tomic and Heard

Ok, when I get back into town I will start on how to get this rolling that makes the most sense and ruffles the fewest feathers.

I also want to make sure Agon is ok with me posting links to the TuneLand forum. There's tons and tons of this info over there.

One more thing, I'm obviously one of the older designers and manufacturers in this hobby still kicking, and I understand and respect salesman phobia, but with my schedule I don't have time to debate sidetracks. So if the Mods don't want me here talking about "The Method of Tuning" tell me now, cause I don't dig flames and internet trolls. I'm here to show a method of listening that has changed thousands of listeners experiences and does so every day.

One last thing, people who buy my stuff I love and appreciate, but I'm here to not sell products as much as I am the method. I already have thousands of Agon members who have my products, thank you BTW, but lets keep the products as separate from the method as we can so trolls don't monopolize the thread or threads. If this does happen I hope all understand if I go off to do my job. But if this is done correctly I think we'll have a good time.

Michael Green

@wester17 Updating the khorns, crossover rebuild, upgraded voicecoils, horn damping ( and some other damping ), and of course room corners, with the right equipment, are still hard to beat, for what they do best, but I am prejudiced. Of course, to each his own.