why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
Yup, puddin’. Haven’t you been paying attention? Wire is wire, whether it’s a fuse or a cable. They’re all di-rec-shun-al. I used the example of fuses because it’s easy to grasp. Cough, cough...
geoffkait - ....Wire is wire whether it’s a fuse or cable. They’re all di-rec-shun-al....

On the contrary, haven't you been paying attention? I'm not disputing (although I'm not agreeing either) that the manufacturing process and/or technical measurements cannot or do not support directionality. What I'm stating is that you cannot hear a difference with the naked ear.

Additionally, given your example and if true, it would then also mean that the wire in the walls that you plug the amp into (forgive me, I do realize you often use a battery powered Walkman), the transformer wire in the amp, the wire the utility company has used to provide power to the home, and all other wiring in the speaker voice coils and other components also must be in precise and correct "direction".

Very well. Lets imagine that somehow all of the aforementioned has fallen into place. Lets further imagine that all other concerns you/others might have are adequately addressed.

How does this change your "enjoyment" of listening to music?

And please speculate, in what way should someone else, such as myself, expect to benefit if all wire directionality were perfect?
Even when telescopes suggested different the idea that the planets and the sun orbited around the earth was hard to abandon. The perplexing problem of the holy Trinity has occupied our 'finest' minds for centuries.

Even crazier... Einstein received death threats. From other scientists.
No offense to you personally, gdhal, but you’ve made it abundantly clear you haven’t the slightest idea what “directionality” even means. This conversation can serve no porpoise anymore. 🐬 Ta ta!
geoffkait - No offense to you personally, gdhal, but you’ve made it abundantly clear you haven’t the slightest idea what “directionality” even means. This conversation can have no porpoise anymore. 🐬 Ta ta!

No offense taken. I didn't think you'd have any kind of answer to my questions. Tell you what though, I'll extend the request to answer my questions (in my 04-13-2018 11:05am post herein) to anyone else who believes as you do.