mattnshilp OP
I have to admit this Mystique V3 is growing on me. It’s stupid good for the money! It has a sense of natural presentation, texture and harmonics while still attaining accuracy and clarity that is hard to achieve. It’s intimate when it needs to be, and big and voluptuous when asked to be. I’d put it comfortably in the “if it were twice as expensive I wouldn’t think twice” category.
Anyone looking in this price range would be doing themselvesto not consider the Mystique. It’s REALLY
Who would have thought, "Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD", with R2R Ladder Multibit dac
I came to the conclusion that a 20-bit R-2R ladder DAC has the purest form of PCM decoding.
Combine that with the fact that over 80% of all the recorded music commercially available is only available in 16-bit 44.1KHz PCM, and you now know why I chose to engineer my Mystique DACs the way I do ;-)
Tried to explain this year or so ago Benjamin for PCM redbook replay, but they were so caught up in the Delta Sigma dsd storm, they couldn't see the forest through the trees.
Cheers George