Looking to Upgrade Outlet

I just had a dedicated line installed for my system and I'm looking to upgrade my outlet and need some recommendations. My current outlet is hospital grade and I'm hoping for recommendations based on my current system and sound preferences. I read many threads here but too often there are so many suggestions that it becomes too confusing just like cables and tubes.

My system consists of the Primaluna Dialogue Premium integrated amp with 6 Cifte 12AU7 and 4 GL KT77 tubes driving Lawrence Audio Violin SE speakers and a JL Audio E110 sub and my sources are all digital. My digital, power cords, speaker and RCA cables are all from Synergistic along with their FEQ, XOT and ground block. The power cords are connected to the Core Power Tech 1800 and all fuses have been upgraded. All connections have been treated with Total Contact with the exception of the power line into the outlet.  I don't plan to make any equipment changes now that I'm retired. My system is very musical and don't like anything that's analytical or bright sounding. 

Please, I don't want this thread to be another controversial subject about snake oil, etc and please no negative comments.
@ronrags I really believe all the above brands mentioned in this thread are good, and many others that have not been mentioned.
I personally have switched to all Furutech outlets. So if you wanted gold plated I personally go with Furutech GTX-D Gold.
If you aren't in a hurry, do a search on Google or eBay to find your best price, I've noticed that the Furutech GTX-D Gold is currently receiving a discount by many establishments.
I am glad you will be improving your outlets. They make a big difference.
I have used Oyaide R-1, Furutech GTX Gold, Furutech GTX Rhodinium,
PS Audio Premier, Synergistic Research RED, and Synergistic Research Black.

I would suggest trying the Synergistic Research Black. Big soundstage, great detail without being etched, a wonderful sense of flow to the music.
All of the above mentioned outlets need at least 10 days of electrical current to fully settle in.

The SR outlets do come with a 30 day return policy which is nice. My Furutechs did not. I spent approximately 6 months evaluating outlets without other changes to my system.

I hope this can be of help.

David Pritchard
@ronrags your post had me digging through my store room and I have a pair of SR Teslaplex SE "Red" duplex outlets that I replaced with Blacks in my system. They are about 4 years old and have less than one years use on each one and look in nigh perfect condition. PM me if you are interested and I’ll send them to you gratis so you can try them out and see if they work in your system (as they're not doing anything in mine!)
I appreciate everyone's responses and suggestions. I understand that any component is system dependent and based on personal tastes. I also understand some are skeptical concerning outlets, but I found that changing power cords and fuses had a dramatic impact to my system. Additionally buying a companies higher priced cables doesn't necessarily mean it sounds better. As I stated, it's a matter of tastes.

I'm leaning towards the SR black since I use and I'm happy with SR cables and tweaks as folkfreak suggested and the fact that SR has a 30 day return policy as David suggested. The 30 day return policy has worked for me several times previously. If I'm not satisfied with the blacks I may consider the Furutech Gold since I found it 33% off list at the cable company.  Since I'll order the outlet thru the cable company, I'll ask their opinion between both outlets.

Thanks again for everyone's input and I'll post my findings. Ron
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