Bel Canto Dac 3.7 in 2018?

Hi all,

I’ve come across a store demo 3.7 including the VBL for approximately 3000. Mint. Boxed, ready for sell. I know some might consider it dated due to lack of mqa, dsd, pcm, which is not available on this unit. Or perhaps the converter is dated?

Im quite content with 24/192. I’m waiting for the dust to settle on what will become the industry standard.  Mqa still seems questionable. Though promising. 

I currenty own a Bel Canto Reflink which would utilize the fiber connection for optimal SQ.  Add the VBL. It looks like a win for my needs and price. 

At the same time. There are always options, and different viewpoints. Which I would take into account. 

New or used. Would the community agree the 3.7 still holds up for 2018.  Are there similar units for the same price range that will surpass the 3.7 with the VBL. 

I lean towards seperates that has a external power source. Though I am open to a all in one unit. 

I believe Mytek can be hooked up to a separate power supply as well. Though I feel the Mytek  Brooklyn + has way too many features which could potentially impair the SQ. I’m very much into a simple UI. Clean lines. Less is more. Etc..

Thank you for your input. 


Well, I think it’s a great idea, but then again I’m biased.
I just bought a 3.7 with VBL myself, should be getting next week!

Ive had the 2.5 DAC for 4 years now.
I don’t have many DSD files, so native DSD doesn’t interest me. I think the 3.7 does DOP: DSD over PCM very very well.

May I ask where you purchased your new 3.7, and price. If personal information. I take no offense. How will you be setting it up in conjunction with your system? 

I’m still waiting for my tax return, so it might take another two weeks before purchase.  I’d love to know your initial impressions of the 3.7, and why you chose a model that is no longer in production. 

What amp will you be using in conjunction with the 3.7

So I guess we are in the same boat. As mentioned. I honestly do not feel I need all the bells and whistles until the dust has settled. 

Additionally there are a multitude of computer programs that one can use, as I’m sure you are aware of.  I honestly believe utilizing these programs consume more time then just listening to the music. 

Then there are firmware updates. Which could potentially have bugs. Troubleshooting begins.
More time spent once again setting/adjusting a program to listening to music. 

Hey. If one prefers programs and such. I won’t knock your preference. If it makes you happy. That’s what is all about! 


- I got my 3.7 used from the Agon classifieds about $3000
-listening to it now :)

- everything is better in the upgrade from 2.5 to 3.7: much more full bodied sound, maybe a little richer, but more accurate and realistic sounding music. great big soundstage, Attack and decay, nuance, fast, doesn't sound pushed/forced.
 IME, this has been the result of more and cleaner external power source, and this 3.7 is no different.

- at this time I am running the 3.7 into either a Bel Canto Ref500s, 400WPC into 4 ohm Dynaudio floor standing speakers. Sounds good, but needs more power for the Dynaudio’s which need a lot of power to reveal their inner beauty. .. So I will be saving for a pair of Ref600Monos later this year ..

... the other amp I have been using was a PrimaLuna Dialogue HP Tubed Integrated, but have to sell it ... it is too hot where i live and I dont have AC. that has been the impetus to go total Class D, so I can actually listen to my reference system during the summer.

but now I’m finding out how good the 3.7 is, and the possibility of getting really close to a low-electricity system that sounds like some of the best aspects of SS and tubed audio, which has always been my favorite, bowie, the clash, floyd, oscar peterson, elton john, Queens of the Stone age, betty davis, miles of course .... etc ...