@rwinner "The attempt to install the 'original recording' as the objective standard for judging a system is doomed to failure from the start because It begins with the false premise that there is one, unique objective sound associated with the recording - which of course is entirely dependent on who is listening to it, what equipment is being used, the room it is being listened in, etc."
100% correct. More than that, it's not nearly so reliable as everyone seems to think even as a method for evaluating the inherent level of (lack of) quality of the recording itself. It's quite hard to resist concluding a given recording's lack of quality level from having lived with it for some time, despite the occurrence of any system changes at all. Too many times a listener will hear the same or similar levels of 'defect' in a recording as the system progresses and can't help but conclude that it's the recording itself that is to blame. I've been there and done that myself. But after major system breakthroughs, I've since discovered that my percentage of "bad" recordings went from at least 35% down to about 1%...and I suspect that were I to manage even more breakthroughs, that number might shrink further still.
When it comes to judging the lack of sound quality in a recording, there simply is No reliable method, period. It's a complete myth. Just think of all the ultra-mega-buck systems here at Agon. Would anybody be carried away on spending all that on their system if most recordings were even half as bad as everyone says they are??
The above statement was prepared by: https:pleasesendyourbadrecordingstoivan_nosibor.com