Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?

Please Rate these cartridges in order of sonic importance and if could recommend the ideal arm/s for each. Thank you.

Audio Technica Tka7e

At Tka3e

Signet gold brown colour


Sure Rxt4


Excel mc100e

Nagaoka Mp50 Super

Sure V15 mk 3 two different bodies

Ortofon mc1


ADC gold

Denon Dl103

Ortofon Super Om30

Ortofon 2m Black

Ortofon Spu Gt Stereo

Ortofon gt newer mono black headshell
IF the AQ is a 404 and the suspension still to spec, a lovely musical cartridge

Audioquest 404b

Audio Technica At155LC

Signet 7ea and 3Ea

Adc no model number on cartridge gold and black

Excel mc100e

Sonus S

Shure M3D

Shure V15 iii Lm with Supertracker stylus

Shure V15 iii VN35HE

Ortofon F10xe

B/O Sp12
Ortofon FF15XE MkII

Ortofon VMS 3E

Ortofon F15EO

Grado Ft+

4881 Denon DL-103 black headshell