Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III

I'd like to get input on a comparison of both of these speakers. I have not heard them. No dealers in my area. I realize it may be an apples to oranges match up to many but want to hear the pros and cons of both. Haters welcome!!  I'll be driving them with a Mac 6200 integrated. 75w into 8 ohms and 100w into 4 ohms. Room is 27x18x10h. I listen to all music. Some vinyl. Appreciate moderate base, clarity in vocals, imaging, and like the speakers to "disappear".  Thoughts?
Well you can achieve image depth and plenty of it less than 3’ out
the 3a is not a deep speaker at all but the significant and imo crucial soundanchor stand does project back a bit. The will sound good with the anchor almost touching the wall and you will get a ton of bass. Out another 6-12” will tame that.
the physics and hearing say to minimize time smear you want something like 5’
but with 6 dB slopes and a low diffraction design you are already ahead, finally treating ( but not overtreating ) the back wall can help.
my Brother has my old 3asig, 120 wpc PS Audio amp, ARC tube pre, anticables....
they rock
but go listen, we are so blessed to have much to choose from
the Forte were in black ash - they looked lovely :-)

The Forte is certainly a good speaker, but I will have to argue that the Epic CF-4 has it beat.
Roxy, was not familiar with the CF-4 Klipsch. Seems there's a 1,2,or 3 edition. So even within a production model there can be variations of sound and preferences. This also appears to be the case with Vandys as upgrades are made but no real differentiation made within a model name. Technology marches on so I get it, but I wish we could better track advances to stay as current as we can with the latest and greatest. 
Tomic, so what is it with Sound Anchors?  I have not had the advantages of the dynamics of stands explained to me. "Is it real, or Memorex?" (U old enough for that one?) The anchor must push it out at least 8-12" yes?