Denafrips Terminator R2R Multibit, ultimate pcm redbook converter??

Maybe the ultimate PCM (RedBook) converter? Sure looks the goods.

Cheers George
You are welcome, Muzikmann.
I am a musician and my reference is the sound of real music... live, non amplified, acoustic instruments. If a system gets that right, then it gets it all right. After all this is the definition of ''fidelity'' in the phrase ''High Fidelity'' is it not?
In reviews (both professional and by owners) it is often sited that a system, or component, ''sounded very close to real live...''  or ''suspended disbelief...''  
I liked my AMR DP 777 SE so much that I thought I would never abandon it.  
But the Terminator simply got me that much closer to that ideal.

Hello Everyone,

I am interested in purchasing a Denafrip Dac, have not decided between the Venus or Terminator.  I did want to know what extra charge owners paid for duty in the US after the initial  payment to Alvin.  Needs to factor the total cost for the Terminator or Venus.  Checked with Alvin and he said no US customers so far have had complaints about extra charges, just want to know your experiences with customs.

Thanks for helping me join this going community of dac owners.


Email Vinh from He has a demo at Axpona 2018.He is a nice guy. Alvin send him four model of Denafrips , I bought the Ares, the other guy bought the Pontus....

Hello Alvin,

For the non-Facebook users can you add the reviews to your website for the rest of us to review.  It would really help to hear from the other owners of your products.  Facebook has some security issues they are working out. 
