Carver Raven 350 Amps

Has anyone heard these amps?
They supposedly can produce 350 watts per channel which in my opinion is remarkable for a tube amp. I have the Atma-Sphere M-60’s 3.3 and I love their tube sound.

But I am curious, Bob has made some very interesting products through the years.

If you have multiple inputs, depending on how they are wired shorting plugs can be a bad idea.


I had never looked at the DEQX equipment.  Does it really make that big of a diffrence?  Which DAC implementation do they use?

Some equipment does not work well with the inputs shorted.
I am using the DEQX as an electronic crossover and to blend the subs with my main speakers in the room. And it is quite a complicated piece of equipment that can make a big difference.


So I am going to keep the Carvers since they allow me to try other "hard to drive" speakers. Quads, Electrostatics, and Planers are on my list to try.

I must say though my Atma-Sphere M-60 3.3’s are very nice sounding amps that I hope I do not regret selling.

I have an ad on the "Gon’" for their sale right now with over 800 views in 4 days!
