My Father's Place ?

Fellow Long Islanders.......who knows anything about the new My Father's Place ? I see the one listed in the Roslyn Hotel but apparently there's another site in Bellmore .  What first caught my eye was a listing for 
the Blasters at MFP in Bellmore,in August. I googled but the show comes up under " Bands In Town " and I can't find any more info about the venue. Anyone been to a show there ?
           and FWIW, at the Roslyn site, McCoy Tyner will be there August 3rd.......$ 75 seats.
I won't launch into any My Father's Place nostalgia but I did see some good shows..... and survived the somewhat deathtrap seating arrangements. 
It's sad that, unlike the Fillmores's, a comprehensive list of all the acts and dates that appeared there apparently doesn't exist.  Its great fun (if you were a regular, I was!) to go to the Fillmore website and see the shows I went to with the corresponding dates as so much from back than is truly a blur!;)  I'd love to be able to do the same with MFP!  MFP truly rated among the best venues in the NY area at the time.  I saw SO many great, important, acts there back in the day!  It's great that they're trying to generate some brand recognition and get it going again but much like the Fillmore's and the other great venues from that era, it'll NEVER happen again.
The Fillmore East didn’t last very long, but is an important part of NYC music history.
The Palladium theater on 14th St. was one of my favorite venues. Some very historic shows happened there including Bruce Springsteen appearing for a week in 1976.
Such a shame that this historic building was converted into a tacky trendy disco.

It blows my mind that My Father’s Place was booking many legendary acts out on LI.
It was an extraordinary time, amazing, historic music could be regularly experienced for less than 10 bucks!  Here's an example.  I caught a group; Winters Consort (the band that fathered Oregon!), who played 2nd to Procol Harum at the the Fillmore East.  Instantly became a fan so when they headlined at My Fathers Place I was there!  It was the middle of the week and a not-famous band so the joint was maybe 1/4-1/3 full!  I'm sittin' there (by myself as none of my friends were interested) with my feet up on the chair in front of me, about 10-15 feet from the stage and the opening act struts out.  Some skinny guy with a goatee from Jersey that nobody ever heard of proceeds to blow the roof off the club!  One of the most dynamic shows I've EVER seen!  Literally within months Bruce Springsteen & E St. would be on the covers of all the major mags of the day!  Good times!!!;)
2 clubs from that era come to mind that, for me, were equally as prolific at booking the amazing bands of the day.  So many of these bands went on to play stadiums so seeing them in such close quarters was special.  One notch level down class-wise was the Rockpile in Island Park, L.I.  the place was basically a warehouse painted black inside, a real dump.  Saw many great name bands there, and had tons of fun!  A notch above MFP class-wise was The Bottom Line.  Lots of times, bands like Tower Of Power that did bus-tours would play the Bottom Line AND My Fathers Place.  There's a reason why I saw TOP over a dozen times!;)