Entec Subwoofers

Anybody familar with the Entec subwoofers. I am thinking of a pair of LF-20s to replace the Puppies with my Wilson WATTs (3/2).

I'd love to know of what experiences anyone has had, especially with regard to extension, dynamics and ultimate volume.

if you can get the entec's for $1.25k, it's worth the risk. the entec's are not, BTW, likely winners of a speaker beauty contest, unless you're into "industrial chic." -kelly
Thanks again. Curiously, I am into industrial chic, which is why I hate rosewood.

I have SW-1, L-F10, L-F20 and L-F30. For musicality the SW-1 wins.  But now I am using the L-F30 and the SW-1 as a stereo pair. I think using a stereo pair is the way to go regardless of what subwoofer one gets.